(originally posted on Medium) The past year working at Nucleus has been an amazing experience for me. I joined the team in March of last year with the goal of having our product on store shelves the first week in
A collection of 7 posts
I’m off to build a platform to help bring people closer.
(originally posted on Medium) After 9 great months working with many startups, I’m joining one. Over the past nine months I’ve been working as an independent product consultant, collaborating with companies in a variety of capacities — product design,
Reflections on 7 months of product consulting
(originally posted on Medium) As 2015 came to an end, I realized I’ve been working as a consultant since June and I thought it would be useful for me (and hopefully others) to reflect on how it’s gone,
When one door closes...
(originally posted on Medium) Back in May, after a little over a year, the company I’d been working with, Sum, closed its doors. The vision — to take wearables beyond data for data’s sake and empower people with the
The value of establishing one keystone habit
(originally posted on Medium) A look back at 2014 and forward to 2015 Most years as December winds down, I resolve to change 5–10 things that fall roughly into the categories you’d expect: lose some weight, be more
Diving Back In
(originally posted on Medium) Note: This post originally aired in February 2014 on Tumblr but was moved to Medium in October 2014. Over the past few months I’ve gotten to slow down a bit, spend some more time with
Getting through 2013 & looking forward to 2014
Getting excited about the unknown 2013 was as eventful a year as I can remember. We sold our apartment in Brooklyn and bought a house in Westchester. We added a new member to our family, Oliver, in June and moved