I used to LOVE blogging. I blogged regularly from 2000 to 2010 across a few different sites - for awhile about internet and pop culture, then about design and tech called and eventually moved over to Medium (those posts have
Product Thoughts
A collection of 9 posts
My first visit to Facebook in over a year was also my last. On to the next.
(originally posted on Medium) I hadn’t logged onto Facebook since December 2014. Back then, I decided the effort — and data, oh that sweet sweet data — I was putting into the service wasn’t coming close to being matched by
A Runner’s Hope for the Apple Watch
(originally posted on Medium) This past weekend I ran my best half marathon ever by ~3 minutes and I owe most of it to the Garmin running watch above that I borrowed from my wife. Over the years, I’ve
Hot take: Medium makes its first big changes
(originally posted on Medium) I’ve been longing for something “between Twitter and Medium” and in some respects today’s Medium changes look to be just that. That said, I’m honestly still a little mindfreaked by them and am
How I use The Hype Machine for music discovery
(originally posted on Medium) Over the past year, I’ve found myself discovering more and more new, great music thanks to The Hype Machine. You can do a whole lot more on the service but I tend to stick to
If Twitter has the guts, it could improve the service with a few counterintuitive tweaks
(originally posted on Medium) Good post outlining some of the hurdles Twitter faces and touches on something I’ve felt for a long time. While there are certainly services that benefit from pure network effects (where more connections directly translate
Be productively constructive
(originally posted on Medium) People who are negative tend to want to demean people’s ideas. They say what they don’t like, but they don’t really say what they want to do. And it’s very hard to
You are what you value
(originally posted on Medium) The importance of defining your company’s values early on “If there’s one piece of advice I can give early stage founders, it is to take the time to write down who you are, and