Stompers is a fun little indie app from Soren Iverson that tracks your steps and lets you take on your friends in a daily Mario Kart like battle for first place.
Remembering how to write after Twitter broke my brain
I used to LOVE blogging. I blogged regularly from 2000 to 2010 across a few different sites - for awhile about internet and pop culture, then about design and tech called and eventually moved over to Medium (those posts have
🚧 Coming Soon
I'm working on making this little site my new home on the internet. It's been awhile since I felt compelled to put in the effort to build - and maintain - a presence on the web
I’m joining The New York Times
(originally posted on Medium) The past year working at Nucleus has been an amazing experience for me. I joined the team in March of last year with the goal of having our product on store shelves the first week in
My 10 Favorite Products & Experiences of 2016
(originally posted on Medium) If Oprah can have a list of her favorite things, why can’t we all? Over the holidays, as I was drinking wine and lamenting the dumpster fire of a year 2016 was, I thought it
My first visit to Facebook in over a year was also my last. On to the next.
(originally posted on Medium) I hadn’t logged onto Facebook since December 2014. Back then, I decided the effort — and data, oh that sweet sweet data — I was putting into the service wasn’t coming close to being matched by
I’m off to build a platform to help bring people closer.
(originally posted on Medium) After 9 great months working with many startups, I’m joining one. Over the past nine months I’ve been working as an independent product consultant, collaborating with companies in a variety of capacities — product design,
Reflections on 7 months of product consulting
(originally posted on Medium) As 2015 came to an end, I realized I’ve been working as a consultant since June and I thought it would be useful for me (and hopefully others) to reflect on how it’s gone,