Alex Rainert

Product & Design executive. Love building teams, shipping products and developing leaders. This is where I collect my thoughts.

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🚧 Coming Soon

I'm working on making this little site my new home on the internet. It's been awhile since I felt compelled to put in the effort to build - and maintain - a presence on the web

I’m joining The New York Times

I’m joining The New York Times

(originally posted on Medium) The past year working at Nucleus has been an amazing experience for me. I joined the team in March of last year with the goal of having our product on store shelves the first week in

My 10 Favorite Products & Experiences of 2016

My 10 Favorite Products & Experiences of 2016

(originally posted on Medium) If Oprah can have a list of her favorite things, why can’t we all? Over the holidays, as I was drinking wine and lamenting the dumpster fire of a year 2016 was, I thought it

Reflections on 7 months of product consulting

(originally posted on Medium) As 2015 came to an end, I realized I’ve been working as a consultant since June and I thought it would be useful for me (and hopefully others) to reflect on how it’s gone,