Alex Rainert

A collection of 20 posts

Be productively constructive

Be productively constructive

(originally posted on Medium) People who are negative tend to want to demean people’s ideas. They say what they don’t like, but they don’t really say what they want to do. And it’s very hard to

You are what you value

You are what you value

(originally posted on Medium) The importance of defining your company’s values early on “If there’s one piece of advice I can give early stage founders, it is to take the time to write down who you are, and

Getting through 2013 & looking forward to 2014

Getting through 2013 & looking forward to 2014

Getting excited about the unknown 2013 was as eventful a year as I can remember. We sold our apartment in Brooklyn and bought a house in Westchester. We added a new member to our family, Oliver, in June and moved